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You Got The Interview - Now What?

Published by Project Pros on  July 27, 2022

The idea of hard work is something all companies require, regardless of what field your business is in. There are very few companies out there that can get by with just one employee, which means hiring workers is going to be a must. Without an interview process, there would be no way for employers to know if a prospective employee is going to be a good fit for the company. This is why becoming a master of the job interview will help you succeed in whatever profession you choose to pursue. 

6 Quick Tips To Prepare For The Interview Day

  1. Research the Company and your interviewer beforehand. 
    1. Be knowledgeable about who you are about to speak with. This is a two-fold benefit. 
    2. One, you get to know this company better and if they would be a good fit for you. Maybe when you applied you didn’t know their values or goals. Now would be a good time to figure those out and see if they align with yours. 
    3. Two, it gives you an advantage when you answer questions. You can now curate your responses to include references back to the company’s processes, values, and awards. Companies will appreciate you taking the time to get to know them as they get to know you!
  1. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. . 
    1. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the interview. Typically this means at the very minimum business casual attire, but we would recommend business professional attire. 
    2. Be pleasant to everyone you meet on site for your interview. You never know who you might run into and you want to make a good impression on everyone in the building. 
    3. If your interview is virtual, make sure your background is appropriate and the lighting is bright enough to show your face. Nothing is worse than seeing a messy room and a dark outline of a person. Interviewers want to see you and your expressions. 
  1. Be Early.
    1. Time your arrival to be 10-15 minutes before your scheduled interview time. This will convey that you care about the position, as well as the prospective employer's time. 
    2. Showing up late to a job interview will most likely end the interview before it even begins. Even showing up 2 minutes before your interview will many times convey untimeliness to your prospective employer.
    3. However, the same can be said about people who show up too early for their interview. For example, someone who shows up 30 minutes early for their interview will require someone to address them before their scheduled time. This can not only be annoying, but also make the employer rush through their current task to get to you. This will cause them stress, which is the wrong way to kick off your first impression. 
  1. Always tell a story.
    1. Consider using methods like the STAR method: 
      1. Situation, Task, Action, Result.
      2. Take this time to illustrate to your potential employer your thought-process, and the specific steps you took to resolve the situation. This could be the difference between saying “I helped my coworker who didn’t know an excel function.” and instead saying “My previous company had a major deadline for a multi-million dollar project. One of my co-workers did not have the skills needed to complete the financial model spreadsheet. I was able to walk them through the commands quickly and efficiently. This resulted in the project being completed on time and all the revenue collected on time.” 
      3. This way your interview has a detailed description of what you did and what the results were. They also have a story to remember you by. A good story will help you stand out from the rest of the candidates.
  1. It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
    1. We all know the common questions, “What is your greatest strength? Weakness? What is an example of a conflict you had on a team and how did you resolve it?”
    2. The interviewer is paying closer attention to how you communicate and whether you do it clearly and effectively.
    3. Don’t talk too fast and seem rushed. Most people are nervous in interviews, so they will unconsciously rush through their story to get onto the next question. WRONG. You want to appear confident and calm by talking at a normal pace. 
    4. Use the appropriate vocabulary for the job you are applying for. If you’re applying for a very technical position make sure to study the appropriate terms before your interview. 
    5. According to a study from the consulting firm Millennial Branding, effective communication was rated as a top skill necessary for any job applicant from 98% of employers. 
  2. Ask Questions. 
    1. At the end of the interview when the interviewer asks if you have any questions for them this is an invitation to show off some of the research that you did earlier in the process. Ask pointed questions that show that you really know the ins and outs of the company. 
    2. This is also an opportunity for you to ask pertinent questions that you came up with during the interview. Maybe a point that the interviewer brought up was interesting to you and you want to know more about it. Just ask!

Being Prepared Will Calm Your Nerves

Putting these quick tips into place will help you to feel prepared and ready for your interview.  Instead of looking rushed and unprepared, you will feel confident and ready for your interview! 

Best of luck! 

–The Project Pros

Project Pros

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